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Two elderly men, one in a papal robe and the other in a suit, standing in a room with ornate furnishings and artwork.

Una lucha de 25 años por la justicia: Las victorias históricas de Jose Enrique Escardó Steck para los sobrevivientes e infancias en Perú

Durante 25 años, Jose Enrique Escardó Steck (JEES) ha luchado por la justicia, no solo para él, sino para innumerables sobrevivientes de abuso en Perú y Latinoamérica. La decisión del pontífice llegó después de una investigación iniciada en julio del 2023 sobre abusos sexuales, físicos y psicológicos, así como sobre mala gestión financiera dentro del SCV, una organización profundamente arraigada en los círculos conservadores de élite en Perú. Para Escardó, quien fue el primero en denunciar estos abusos a través de una serie de seis artículos en la revista peruana Gente en el año 2000, este momento fue tanto surrealista como profundamente significativo. Su testimonio fue clave en la histórica recomendación del CRC el 31 de enero: "Perú debe establecer una investigación estatal formal e independiente sobre los abusos sexuales infantiles dentro de la Iglesia Católica. Este es un momento crucial, no solo para Perú, sino para el movimiento global que busca hacer responsables a las instituciones por los abusos contra la niñez.

Two elderly men, one in a papal robe and the other in a suit, standing in a room with ornate furnishings and artwork.

A 25-Year fight for justice: Jose Enrique Escardó Steck’s landmark victories for survivors and children in Peru

For 25 years, Jose Enrique Escardó Steck (JEES) has been fighting for justice—not just for himself, but for countless survivors of abuse in Peru and Latin America. His audience with Pope Francis was a moment of validation—not just for him, but for all survivors and allies who have joined JEES in all these years and fought for justice despite systemic silence and repression. His testimony played a key role in the CRC’s historic recommendation on January 31: "Peru must establish a formal, independent State-led inquiry into child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. This is a landmark moment—not just for Peru, but for the global movement to hold institutions accountable for child abuse. It sets a precedent for government responsibility in ensuring justice for survivors, rather than leaving the process solely in the hands of the Church.

Building a Safer Digital Future for Kids: The Heat Initiative Story

For us, that meant putting pressure on companies that enable and profit off of child sexual abuse, starting with Apple. As we surveyed the online child safety space, we saw an opportunity to build a new brand of activism – one that borrowed from the playbook of other successful movements and leveraged a corporate campaign model to shift the ways Big Tech approaches child safety. Now, child users who face unsafe or unwanted sexual interactions in iMessage can get help more easily. Apple is facing a billion-dollar lawsuit that claims the company didn't do enough to stop child sexual abuse material from being stored on iCloud. The plaintiffs are survivors of child sexual abuse whose abuse was recorded and shared online, spreading across both the dark web and everyday platforms. In March of 2024, our team asked Marsh Law, a 17-year-old firm that focuses on representing victims of child sexual abuse, if it could bring a suit against Apple.

We all have a role to play in ending childhood sexual violence

Child sexual abuse is a silent epidemic that affects millions of children across the globe. 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 7 boys will experience some form of sexual violence before their 18th birthday. Survivors are at significantly higher risk of physical and mental health challenges, with many struggling to survive beyond the age of 50 due to chronic illnesses, depression, or, tragically, suicide.

A person walking on a brick path through a grassy park with leafy trees surrounding the area.

Breaking the silence: a survivor’s fight for collective transformation

One of the most painful aspects of this crime is that victims and survivors carry shame and guilt, partly because the abuser is often someone close to you, someone in whom you place your trust.

A person walking on a brick path through a grassy park with leafy trees surrounding the area.

Rompiendo el silencio: la lucha de un sobreviviente de violencia sexual en la infancia por una transformación colectiva

Una de las características más dolorosas que tiene este delito, es que las víctimas y sobrevivientes nos cargamos de vergüenza y de culpa, en parte a causa de que el agresor suele ser una persona cercana y en quien vos depositás tu confianza.

A group of people holding protest signs, including "All we want is safe schools" and "ENOUGH". They appear to be demonstrating for gun control and school safety measures.

Apple: Take Action to Keep Kids Safe

Last week, The Heat Initiative supported survivors in filing a $1.2 billion class action lawsuit against Apple, to hold the company accountable for their role in the proliferation of CSAM on their platforms. In response to a recent article highlighting the story of one of the plaintiffs, the Heat Initiative said,

Young woman in blue t-shirt and glasses, with braided hairstyle, seated at a desk.

Breaking the record of inaction in Nigeria: child-centred, grassroots advocacy for a safer digital future

New data, the world's very first global prevalence figure of childhood sexual violence unveiled by Together for Girls' Break the Record Campaign, shows that in the past 12 months, 82 million girls and 69 million boys experienced some form of sexual violence. This global scourge must be addressed, and we can certainly break this record of inaction towards ending childhood sexual violence. Collaborating with grassroots organizations around ending childhood sexual violence is critical to our mission. It includes data from Childlight which finds that over 300 million children under the age of 18 have been affected by online child and sexual exploitation and abuse in the last 12 months. These forms of childhood sexual violence, both contact and non-contact, have serious emotional, health, and psychosocial impacts on children and youth, including into adulthood. At Ravens Place, a school on the outskirts of Lagos, we delved into the urgent need to address online violence, with youth ambassadors facilitating group discussions with the children. The year ahead will be driven by Suburbancares youth-led advocacy with a children's summit focused on ending Online Sexual Violence in April 2025.