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The goal of the Brave Movement is to create a world in which all children are free from the fear of sexual violence. It serves as a powerful survivor-led voice to break the cycle of violence, including through advocacy for improved policies, laws, budgets and programs. Its advocacy is based on three mutually interdependent pillars of action: prevention, healing and justice. This Code of conduct is designed to support the Brave Movement’s goal and vision by ensuring the highest standards of ethics and behavior by all individuals associated with it.

First and foremost, staff, volunteers and partners of the Brave Movement will refrain from any inappropriate behavior or any aggressive actions in their private and professional lives – including harassment, violence or any other action that creates danger and/or poses harm to other individuals. They will respect the cultures, customs and structures of the countries and communities in which the Brave Movement works. They will conduct themselves in ways that are free of bias, prejudice or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender age, ability or disability, and any other status protect by law.

In addition, all staff, volunteers and partners of the Brave Movement agree to:

  • Adhere to the Brave Movement Child safeguarding policy and its associated guidelines and annexes.
  • Treat children with respect regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.
  • Refrain from language or behavior towards children or adults that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, demeaning or culturally inappropriate.
  • Never engage children under the age of 18 years in any form of sexual intercourse or sexual activity, including payment for sexual services or acts.
  • Never use physical punishment on children.
  • Not hire children for domestic or other labor which is inappropriate given their age or developmental stage or which interferes with their rights to education and recreational activities or which places them at significant risk of injury.
  • Not spend excessive or unnecessary time alone with children who are not usually in their households, especially away from others or behind closed doors;
  • Never use computers, mobile phones, video cameras, cameras or social media inappropriately, or exploit or harass children or access child exploitation material through any medium. In their professional activities, they will not contact children directly or seek one-onone interaction.
  • Comply with the relevant local and national legislation in the countries in which Brave Movement advocacy events or activities are taking place, including labor laws in relation to child labor.
  • Immediately report concerns or allegations of child exploitation and abuse and noncompliance with this policy. These reports should be made through the procedures outlined in Annex 7 of this policy.
  • Immediately disclose all charges, convictions and other outcomes of offences related to child exploitation or abuse, whether they occurred before or during association with the Brave Movement. They will also fully cooperate with background checks.

When photographing or filming children or using children’s images for work-related purposes, all Brave Movement staff, volunteers and partners will follow the detailed guidelines contained in Annex 3 of this policy. These guidelines require that they:

  • Assess and comply with local traditions or restrictions for reproducing personal images before photographing or filming children.
  • Obtain informed consent from the children or their parents or guardians before photographing of filming children, according to local laws on consent and image use. Always explain how the photographs or film footage will be used.
  • Ensure that all images present children in a dignified and respectful manner and not in a vulnerable or submissive manner. Children should be adequately clothed and not in poses that could be seen as sexually provocative.
  • Ensure that all images are honest representations of the context and facts.
  • Ensure file labels, meta data or text descriptions do not reveal identifying information about a child when sending images electronically or publishing images in any form.

This Code of conduct reflects general principles to guide Brave Movement staff, volunteers and partners in making ethical decisions and is not intended to address every specific situation. At all times, Brave Movement staff, volunteers and partners are expected to behave with honesty and integrity. The onus is on all individuals associated with the Brave Movement to use common sense and avoid all actions or behaviors that could be construed as exploitation, abuse, harassment or violence.

All reports of alleged breaches of this Code of Conduct, including all types of abuse, will be taken seriously and will be investigated. Misconduct will be reported to authorities, according to legal obligations. Substantiated violations of this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary measures up to and including the termination of any relationship or association with the Brave Movement.

The leadership of the Brave Movement has the responsibility and authority for final interpretation – and potential revision - of this Code of Conduct. All Brave Movement staff, volunteers and partners will be notified in a timely manner of any revisions to this Code of Conduct.

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