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Mié Kohiyama is a trained journalist born in Paris to a Japanese father and a French mother. She has been a child rights activist for more than a decade and is a survivor of childhood sexual violence. She was sexually abused when she was five years old by her 39-year-old cousin and suffered 32 years of repressed memory.  

In 2013, Mié became the first survivor in France to appeal to the French Supreme Court for the acknowledgment of repressed memory, which did not allow her to sue her perpetrator within the time limits of the statute of limitations. The French media widely covered her story. She then joined a collective battle in France together with other organizations, and experts like Dre Muriel Salmona for the legal acknowledgment of repressed memory, the abolition of the statute of limitations, and the fight to end childhood sexual violence.

Mié also took part in the collective battle in France for a legal age of consent, which was finally voted in 2021. She wrote about her personal, judicial, and political journey in a book written under the pseudonym of Cécile B called "Le petit vélo blanc" (Calmann-Lévy, 2015).

Mié was called to testify in front of several public commissions in the French Senate, the French National Assembly, and in 2018, a governmental commission ("la mission de consensus sur le délai de prescription applicable aux crimes sexuels sur mineur.e.s") dedicated to end childhood sexual violence.

She joined the Brave movement in 2022 and co-founded BeBraveFrance. She is now the co-chair of the Brave Movement Europe task force.

"I joined the Brave movement because it is a unique chance for survivors to join forces in the world to end childhood sexual violence. Together we are strong. Together we are not alone anymore, feeling ashamed and guilty. Together we can be a driving force to foster a better and a safer world for children and adolescents."

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